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Fundraising Update – July 2020

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This Fundraising Update includes just a snapshot of some of the people and organisations who, through their own efforts, donations and resources, enable Children’s Burns Trust to survive. We receive no government funding and are only able to continue the work that we do as a result of our own fundraising efforts and by the help of our wonderful supporters.

Due to Coronavirus, we are seeing a significant drop in fundraising income. With families living and working on top of each other, burn injuries involving children are still taking place. Every day. Your support changes lives and can help us continue to deliver our programme, and to work on ways to adapt some of the vital rehabilitation services that can no longer be delivered face to face.

Please be assured, your support changes lives!

Please donate if you can.

Ellie and Rosie May

Burns Survivors raise our profile – and much needed funds for Children’s Burns Trust!

Two of our Ambassadors, Crystal and Ellie, have been busy in lockdown, promoting the charity and raising over £500 between them. At the end of May Crystal performed “Wear Your Scars With Pride” a spoken word performance about being a burns survivor. This performance was live on her YouTube channel, click here to view. In June Burn Survivor Rosie-May and her mum, Ellie, did a 2.6 mile run/scoot challenge over 10 days. Click here to view their JustGiving page. We send huge thanks and a virtual hug to them all!

Imperial Winter Ball

So many wonderful events planned for this year have had to be cancelled. We were extremely fortunate that the timing of the 2020 ball, held in London on 7th March was such that it was probably one of the last events of its kind that could be held. A full account of the event can be read here. Funds raised at this single event are vitally important to the continuation and growth of our annual programme, and we extend our sincere thanks to everyone involved for raising an incredible £10,000.

Corporate Supporters

We are very fortunate to receive donations and support from our Corporate Supporters – the support we receive from them, both through fundraising and through sharing our messages via social media is invaluable.

Two medical supply companies, Chiesi and MediWound sponsored the reprint of the ever popular and vitally important booklet – The Family Oops and Burns First Aid. Written by another of our wonderful Ambassadors, Krissie Stiles, this small book is also available online on the First Aid page of our website.

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Children’s Burns Trust every time you shop on Amazon, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping App for iOS and Android phones. When you shop AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that AmazonSmile will donate a portion of the purchase price to the Children’s Burns Trust. On your first visit to, you need to select the Children’s Burns Trust to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon Smile will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make through AmazonSmile will result in a donation to the Children’s Burns Trust.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the support we receive from people in so many different ways. During the year we continue to receive regular monthly payments from individual supporters as well as in-memoriam donations.

This is just a snapshot of the people, organisations and activities that have taken place in the last few months – our sincere thanks to EVERYONE who supports us, not only financially but also by sharing, raising awareness and promoting the work that we do. If you don’t already follow us on our social media channels – we invite you to take this opportunity to start:

Follow us on Facebook
Follow us on Instagram
Follow us on Twitter

How we use your money?

One example of how we spend the money our amazing supporters send us is ….. Just as we went into lockdown, Children’s Burns Trust launched a private Facebook Group where parents and carers of children with a burn or scald injury can communicate and support one another. This is proving invaluable to so many people. If you are a parent or carer of a burn survivor and would like to join this private group please click here.

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A burn injury is for life

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