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Current campaign

Children’s Burns Trust works alongside the British Burn Association to raise awareness and grow the momentum of National Burn Awareness Day each year

National Burn Awareness Day

Prevention and good first aid are key to reducing the number of burns and scalds occurring each year, especially in children and the elderly. National Burn Awareness Day is an annual event held in October.
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Child Safety Week

Child Safety Week is an annual campaign run by the Child Accident Prevention Trust to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented. A range of resources is available to help practitioners run local activities and events and promote safety messages in a fun and engaging way.
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SafeTea was a national campaign aiming to reduce hot drink burns to young children, and improve first aid to children who have been burned. The SafeTea Campaign was launched across the UK in 2019.
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Fire Kills

Fire Kills

You are around 8 times more likely to die from a fire if you don’t have a working smoke alarm in your home. We support the Home Office’s Fire Kills campaign. Helping to raise awareness of the importance working smoke alarms play in saving lives.
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It is predicted that this year 500 children and their families will join the growing number of people who will remember bonfire night for the wrong reasons. They will have been injured as a result of an accident with fireworks.
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Hair Straighteners

As much as 40 minutes after being unplugged, hair straighteners can still severely burn and permanently scar a child’s delicate skin. After use, switch off and unplug hair straighteners, then put them away to cool down out of reach and sight of children.
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Hot Water Burns Like Fire

Help us to stop scalding by hot water from taps and showers. Nearly 300 people a year are so badly burnt that they have to be admitted to an NHS specialist burns service with severe scalds from tap water in their bath, sink or shower, two thirds of these are children. The young and elderly are especially vulnerable as their skin is thinner, so burns quicker, and they have less ability to remove themselves from the scalding water.
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Front cover of Charlie's Story

Charlie’s Story

Charlie’s Story is a book written, designed and produced by Charlie and his mum Michelle about an accident Charlie had at home in their kitchen when he was just 15 months old. Charlie’s Story is a free resource available via our website and Charlie and his family would kindly ask that anyone who enjoys it makes a donation to Children's Burns Trust.
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How you can help

Donate to us

We don’t receive any Government funding to run our awareness campaigns. Any donation, big or small, would help in supporting our work in helping raise vital awareness, preventing burns to children from happening

Fundraise for us

Could you or your local community organise a fundraiser for us? No amount is too small and you can be sure the money you raise will go directly to help where it is most needed

Corporate sponsorship

There are many ways your organisation can get involved and support us. If you’re an organisation and would like to support the charity please download our Corporate Support Pack

A burn injury is for life

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