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Teacher Needed to Help with Developing Innovative Burn Prevention Pack for UK Schools

Brak zestawu wyróżnionych obrazów

We recently told you about the Children’s Burns Trust working alongside London Fire Brigade and the London and South East of England Burn Network, to produce a comprehensive Burns and Scalds Prevention and First Aid Pack aimed at Teachers of Key Stage 1 and 2.

We are now looking for a volunteer who is a qualified teacher to help us put together lesson plans for other teachers to use to deliver this vital health education.

Successful applicants will need to be able to attend bi-monthly meetings in London as well as work on developing the lesson plans in their own time. It is anticipated that this voluntary role will be ongoing and the number of volunteer hours required to work on the development of the lesson plans will be flexible. All travel expenses will be reimbursed.

For more information please contact

London Fire Brigade         London and South East of England Burns Care Network

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