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Who we supported in Autumn 2016

Brak zestawu wyróżnionych obrazów

In October we gave a grant of £500 to the Children’s Burns Club, based at Broomfield Hospital but covering London & the South East.  They were holding a day out at Chessington for burn survivors and their families, but really needed a room that the families could use as a base “the sponsorship from Children’s Burns Trust enabled us to hire a room for the day at Chessington. This gave us a “base” for the day – allowed families to have a time and place to meet throughout the day – talk to each other. We also had 14 families that had not been to one of our events before, so we were able to use the space to introduce them to each other.”  The day out was attended by 147 children, 136 parents and 18 volunteers.

We have recently given a grant to pay for overnight accommodation for a Mum and burn injured child who lived some distance from the hospital. They needed to be at the hospital by 7am on the day of the surgery and this grant enabled the child to have corrective surgery as part of their on-going treatment process.  We have also continued to help families up and down the country with travel costs – helping both while the child is initially an in-patient, and then with the cost of attending follow-up appointments.

Donations and fundraising also helped us with the cost of our prevention programme – and this autumn we were especially busy promoting Narodowy Dzień Świadomości Oparzeń. You can take a look at our blog rounding-up the day here. It was a fantastic day, our best one yet! A huge amount of burn and scald awareness was generated across all different media’s including TV, Radio and Social. We received support from individuals, companies, Hospitals, MP’s, Fire and Rescue Services and many more throughout the day.

We can only continue to directly support families of burn injured children, work to prevent burns and scalds happening to children and provide support to rehabilitation programmes and hospitals with your help. Please get in touch if you’re able to help in any way.

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