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Children’s Burns Trust supports Fire Door Safety Week 2016

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Fire Door Safety Week

Supported by a wide range of organisations, Fire Door Safety Week was founded by the British Woodworking Federation, BWF-CERTIFIRE Scheme and Fire Door Inspection Scheme (FDIS). We’re supporting the 2016 Fire Door Safety Week -26th September – 2i October.

Fire doors are a vital part of the passive fire protection of every commercial, public and multiple occupancy building. The purpose of Fire Door Safety Week, is to raise awareness of the critical role of fire doors, drawing attention to specific issues such as poor installation and maintenance.

The award-winning campaign brings together a range of organisations with common interests in the fire door and passive fire protection industries. Together with other supporters of the campaign, Children's Burns Trust has pledged its support to help engage and educate people, helping property owners and the wider building industry understand the importance of the correct use of fire doors, from supply right through to maintenance.

Fire Door Safety Week

Hannah Mansell, Trustee of Children’s Burns Trust and BWF-Certifire scheme manager and Fire Door Safety Week spokesperson said: “Children’s Burns Trust is proud to support this important initiative. From April 2014 to March 2015 there were 28,200 dwelling fires in England alone. Deaths from these fires contributed to nearly two thirds of the total fire fatalities in that time frame. This is why we continue to campaign for changes in legislation and to educate people on the importance of fire doors.” 

Running from 26 September – 2 October 2016, this year’s Fire Safety Week coincides with the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London, the event which gave rise to the ‘fire door’.

Throughout the week, Children’s Burns Trust will be promoting the campaign to its own supporters. Organisations who wish to get involved can download a range of resources in a specially designed toolkit which can be accessed here:

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