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It only takes one second to get a deep burn in hot water when the water temperature is at 70°C. The Hot Water Burns Like Fire campaign aims to limit water temperatures in all homes to 43-45°c.

232 children experienced burns/scalds in the bathroom so severe they were admitted to an NHS Burns Service in 2023. This does not include the many more who were treated in A&E departments.

来自国际烧伤数据库的数据 (iBID)


Since 2010 there has been a legal requirement in England & Wales, and in Scotland since 2006, to limit bathing outlet temperatures in all new homes to 48°C. The fitting of special valves, called thermostatic devices, is a relatively simple way of ensuring that water flows at a temperature into sinks and baths to ensure that both the risk of disease and scalding can be eradicated.

The risk of legionella is the reason why our hot water has to be heated to high levels – the need for industrial, academic, medical, regulatory and social organisations to work together to raise awareness and work towards a solution in order that water is delivered at a safe temperature into our sink or bath, is an on-going requirement.

How to avoid bath, shower and tap scalding incidents

Whether your child loves it or hates it, there’s no avoiding bath time. A baby’s skin is thinner than an adult’s so hot water can pose a real danger. If the bath water is too hot this can cause a significant burn injury to a child that can lead to years of treatment and life long scarring.

  • Cold water before hot. When running a bath always put the cold water in first and then bring it up to the required temperature.
  • The ‘back of your hand’ test. Always test the temperature of your bath or shower water before use, particularly for young children or vulnerable adults. The back of your hand has thinner skin and is sensitive enough to test the temperature.
  • Staying with your child. Many accidents happen when a child gets into the bath before it’s ready, play with the hot tap when they’re in the bath or lean over to pick out a toy and fall in.
  • Thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs) are a great invention. They control the temperature of any hot tap so that you can have a nice hot bath or shower but they stop children being scalded within seconds. Some newer houses and flats have TMVs on the taps already, but you can get them installed by a professional. Or ask your landlord to fit one.





儿童在 2022 年被烧伤或烫伤





2019 年 4 月,2 岁 9 个月的亚瑟和姐姐在花园里玩耍。妈妈煮了一壶咖啡,放在厨房工作台的后面。一眨眼的功夫,他就回到了厨房,爬上了工作台,咖啡洒在了他的脖子、胳膊、胸部和腿上。 


2010 年,15 个月大的查理在家中厨房的一次意外中被烧伤。一锅沸水溅出,他全身 10% 烧伤。在这里,查理的妈妈米歇尔(Michelle)分享了那天的经历以及查理和家人一起走过的历程。


"2003年11月29日,在我三岁的时候,我的派对礼服着火了,导致我被紧急送往医院,40%三度烧伤,在重症监护室住了三个月。对有些人来说,这听起来似乎很多,但在我 22 年的生命中,这只是一个很小的时间段,直到今天我都几乎记不起来。

