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Who we supported in Spring 2019

Немає набору зображень


During the first part of this year, in addition to providing emergency grants to families with children in burns wards all over England and Wales, we continued to support the various burns clubs and camps with their special days out and other events.  We also bought 2 high quality, waterproof cameras for the Manchester Children’s Burns Camp.

One of these cameras was put to use at the latest Family Weekend, held at the Fire Fighters Charity’s Jubilee House rehabilitation centre in Penrith in November.

Hailed a success by the families and the staff – with the usual mixed programme of family activities, children’s programme and parents’ workshops.  We were thrilled to receive the following comments from families who attended:

“Absolutely amazing weekend so beneficial to ourselves as parents and even the children! Thank you to all the staff who took part and played a part in organising these incredible weekends! Can’t thank everybody enough for being invited to the weekend it’s helped us so much as a family.”

“We had an amazing time. It was brilliant from the minute we got there . Was great spending time with families that had been through what we had and that we could talk freely about what had happened without being judged or having to explain. We’ve come home with some lovely memories.”


We’ve been working hard with CAPT for the first part of the year – to promote and participate in this year’s Тиждень безпеки дітей.  Tuesday 4thJune 2019 has been dedicated to burns and scalds awareness and prevention.

We have also part funded the printing of a new first aid booklet – The Oops Family and Burns First Aid. This excellent booklet has been distributed to burns services up and down the country, and is available free of charge on request – however we would appreciate a donation towards the cost of postage.

A burn injury is for life – but so is a smile

In January 2019 we launched an exciting new initiative showcasing the amazing individuals we are so proud to support, and who in turn support us. The below image shows the latest in a series of images which highlight the story of some of the burn survivors who inspire us, meet Tilly…


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Обкладинка NBAD


Ми беремо участь у численних профілактичних кампаніях, щоб зменшити кількість дітей, які отримують опіки та ошпарювання у Великобританії. Будь ласка, поділіться інформацією про наші кампанії, щоб допомогти підвищити рівень обізнаності.
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Навчальна зона надає вам безкоштовний і легкий доступ до широкого спектру онлайн-ресурсів, програм електронного навчання, інструментів професійного розвитку та інформації для запобігання опіків і ошпарювань у дітей.
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