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We partner with London Fire Brigade on Burn Prevention Awareness Pack for UK Schools

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We have teamed up with London Fire Brigade and the London and South East of England Burn Network to produce a comprehensive Burns and Scalds Prevention and First Aid Pack aimed at Teachers of Key Stage 1 and 2.

In 2015 more than 1,449 5-11 year olds were burned or scalded in the UK (this figure only relates to the more serious scalds – it does not include the thousands seen by A&E departments). This shocking statistic highlights the on-going need for burn and scald prevention education to be implemented in UK schools, as the majority of these injuries could have been prevented. Source: The International Burn Injury Database (iBID).

Alison Tweddle from the Children’s Burns Trust and member of the taskforce assigned to work on the Schools Prevention pack said “London Fire Brigade’s Education Department, who are celebrating their 15th anniversary this year, educate over 100,000 children each year on how to prevent, detect and escape from fire in the home. Alongside this, Children’s Burns Trust prevention campaigns communicate with schools to educate children about burn prevention and appropriate first aid. This Schools Prevention Pack will be an excellent resource to add to these prevention and education programmes and will reach a large number of children every year, helping to reduce the number of burns and scalds happening in the UK.”

The pack is in its early stages of development by the taskforce which includes representatives from Children’s Burns Trust, London Fire Brigade, London and South East of England Burn Network. The pack will include lesson plans and links to the Children’s Burns Trust Interactive Навчальна зона, for teachers to use on the education of prevention and first aid treatment of burns and scalds.

Additional contributors to the pack will include Child Accident Prevention Trust, Electrical Safety First, FireKills, RoSPA and St Johns Ambulance. These contributors will bring a wealth of experience and resources to assist in creating a free, innovative and easy-to-use toolkit for schools across the UK.

2016 is the 150th anniversary of the London Fire Brigade and this exciting initiative is part of a large campaign by the Fire Service to raise awareness and teach the appropriate first aid skills needed to administer immediately post burn or scald.

For further information about the prevention awareness pack and how these organisations are working together please зв'яжіться з нами.

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