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Launch of New Facebook Group for Parents and Carers – A Burn Survivor’s Mum tells us why this is so important

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Hello, my name is Лауро. and I’m Mum to Polly (6) and Arthur (3). I’m an ambassador for the Children’s Burns Trust and also very lucky to be able to work from home for myself.

Part of my role with the Children’s Burns Trust is to help raise awareness of the danger of hot drinks around children. I have first-hand knowledge of this, as in April 2019 my son Arthur was badly burnt by a cafeteria of coffee that I had made 15 mins before and forgotten about. He was burnt from the top of his left ear down to his knee. When Arthur had his accident, we were taken to our local hospital by ambulance, however they don’t treat burns as bad as Arthurs. Once he had some pain relief and was bandaged up we were transferred to the amazing Broomfield Burns Unit, where we spent the next ten days – just me and my little boy. At the time, I started looking online to see if there were any groups that I would be able to just talk to someone that knew how I was feeling. While I was sat on the ward when Arthur was in theatre or in the middle of the night the accident just kept playing on my mind and I would have loved to talk to someone who had been through a similar experience.

I approached the Children’s Burns Trust about setting up a private Facebook group for parents/carers of children with a burn or scald injury so that we can communicate and support one another. I am SO excited to be a member of the admin team for the group.

I’m hoping that by setting this group up, we can help each other when needed, ask a question and have someone you can chat to who will know how you’re feeling as they’ve been through a similar experience. Also, to help us not feel alone during the times you’re asking yourself “why us?”, “what did I do wrong?”.

Burns injuries don’t only affect the child who is injured, they affect the parents and other family members too.  Just to know someone in the group will see your post or comment and may be able to help you through this is amazing.

We are just over a year from Arthur’s accident, two surgeries, three skin grafts and 6-months of pressure garment wear. I just want to say you’re not alone, it does get better, our children are amazing. I know I wouldn’t have dealt with it as well as I have if Arthur hadn’t been so brave and resilient.

If you are a parent or carer of a burn survivor and would like to join this private Facebook group please click тут.

The Children’s Burns Trust cannot provide advice or support via this group, to contact the charity directly please e-mail info@cbtrust.org.uk.

To read more about Arthur’s story, click тут.


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