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Germany Young Burn Survivors Day 2019

Немає набору зображень

December 7 is Young Burn Survivors Day in Germany. Paulinchen – Initiative for Young Burn Survivors – has reached out to invite other organisations to support the day in order to protect children from burn and scalding accidents, through pointing out safety hazards and provide information about first aid.

The theme in Germany this year is  “Big Bang: The Dangers of Firecrackers” and focuses on accidents caused by fireworks. “Especially boys between 8 and 15 years of age form the high-risk group in accidents with firecrackers. Not only severely injured hands, but also face, eyes, ears and genitals are frequently affected” says Adelheid Gottwald, Chairwoman of Paulinchen. “Unfortunately, children and teenagers are not aware of the dramatic consequences for their whole lives. That is why prevention is so important.”

Following the success of National Burn Awareness Day 2019 here in the UK, we wholeheartedly support the event and its vision to create a World Burn Awareness Day through international collaboration.

We would encourage our friends and colleagues in the burns community to add the event to their calendar and support in any way possible, including online to help raise maximum awareness.

Further information, including contact details for the organisers, can be found here: https://www.tag-des-brandverletzten-kindes.de/fileadmin/Paulinchen/2019/2019_TDBK/2019_Aktionsformular_Englisch_beschreibbar.pdf




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