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Fundraising Update – October 2019

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This Fundraising Update includes just a snapshot of some of the people and organisations who, through their own efforts, donations and resources enable Children’s Burns Trust to survive.  We receive no government funding and are only able to continue the work that we do as a result of our own fundraising efforts and by the help of our wonderful supporters.

Corporate Supporters

We are very fortunate to receive donations and support from our Corporate Supporters – the support we receive from them, both through fundraising and through sharing our messages via social media is invaluable.

Асоціація виробників ванних кімнат

The BMA have supported us for several years, and this year proved no different – in August we received a cheque for £3,895 raised at their golf event and charity raffle.  They continue to maintain and support the Гаряча вода обпікає, як вогонь website.  We were also supported by the Fire Industry Golf Society who again this year made us beneficiary of their charity golf day.


The sporting theme continued with a generous donation of £940 from the Friends of EPFFC who participate in a weekly football prediction competition and nominated the Children’s Burns Trust to receive part of the funds this year.

Holland & Barrett

Our thanks to the Healthy Hope Committee and all at Holland & Barrett who held a fundraising event and raised £250 for us.


Polyseam/Protecta held a seminar at Firex in June. Delegates were invited to donate to Children’s Burns Trust instead of paying an entrance fee.


We are extremely grateful to the wonderful parents of burns survivors who give so much of their time and effort to fundraising and supporting Children’s Burns Trust.  One of the parents who attended a recent Family Weekend opened a fundraising page on Facebook and Laura – mum of our October Poster star Arthur – organised a fun event at Stretham Bowls Club and raised a whopping £531!


We would also like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the support we receive from people in so many different ways.  During the year we continue to receive regular monthly payments from individual supporters as well as in-memoriam donations.

This is just a snapshot of the people, organisations and activities that have taken place in the last few months – our sincere thanks to EVERYONE who supports us, not only financially but also by sharing, raising awareness and promoting the work that we do.

As with many charities, our income has suffered enormously in recent years.  We greatly appreciate all donations – whatever the size!

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