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Fundraising Update – May 2019

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This fundraising update includes just a snapshot of some of the people and organisations who, through their own efforts, donations and resources, enable Children’s Burns Trust to survive.  We receive no government funding and are only able to continue the work that we do as a result of our own fundraising efforts and by the help of our wonderful supporters.

Corporate Supporters

We are very fortunate to receive donations and support from our Corporate Supporters – the support we receive from them, both through fundraising and through sharing our messages via social media is invaluable.

The Fire Depot team members are supporting the Children’s Burns Trust this year.

Managing Director Laurie Pollard said: ‘We chose this particular charity as they do such worthwhile work, being a fire safety company, we felt an affiliation to the Дитячий опіковий фонд” Laurie has also said “Fire Depot will MATCH the final target of donations for the charity”

Fire Depot

Team members will be undertaking a variety of activities throughout the year to help reach the fundraising target of £2500 for the charity. In April they had a “Design A Clothing Day” when members of the Fire Depot team dressed up in all fire safety equipment to raise money for the charity – so far they have reached over £1,000 of their target on their justgiving page

The Children’s Burns Trust Team send thanks and very best wishes to everyone in the Fire Depot team for their wonderful support!

Imperial Winter Ball

Our thanks in to everyone involved in organising and attending the Imperial Winter Ball on 2іMarch 2019 at the Caledonia Club.   The Chairman of the Imperial Winter Ball Committee has sent us the following message:

This year’s Ball in aid of the Children’s Burns Trust was another tremendous success. We raised £10,000 for the vital work of the Trust thanks to the unstinting effort of the Ball’s magnificent Committee and the generosity of the Ball’s loyal supporters. Around 100 guests dined and danced the evening away to the waltzes and quadrilles performed by the British Imperial Orchestra under the masterful baton of Lt. Col. Graham Jones (rtd.) and the watchful gaze of the famous Stuart Marsden, the Ball’s Master of Ceremonies. The live auction, conducted with his usual brilliance by Edward Rising, was superbly supported. Everyone who attended thought there was no better way to raise funds for the Childrens Burns Trust than such an evening of lively elegance and graceful charm.

Imperial Winter Ball

Our Wonderful Fundraisers

We wold also like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the support we receive from people in so many different ways.  In the first part of this year we continue to receive regular monthly payments from individual supporters as well as in-memorium donations.

This is just a snapshot of the people, organisations and activities that have taken place in the last few months – our sincere thanks to EVERYONE who supports us, not only financially but also by sharing, raising awareness and promoting the work that we do.

As with many charities, our income has suffered enormously in recent years.  We greatly appreciate all donations – whatever the size!

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