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Fire investigation dog visit to Chelsea and Westminster burns service.

Немає набору зображень

When Darren and Paul, fire investigation officers and dog handlers from London Fire Brigade offered to help the Children’s Burns Trust we couldn’t resist the opportunity to arrange a visit to Chelsea and Westminster burns service to cheer up the patients with a visit from Smokey and Sherlock.

The rooftop garden space was perfect for patients, family and staff to drop in and meet the dogs and find out more about their role in the Fire Brigade.

There were a few special moments during the day.

The first was when a young boy with burns to his legs climbed out of his wheelchair to take Sherlock for a walk across the room, to the delight of his auntie who was quick to video the moment to send to his mum.  Up to this point he had not been happy to walk for the physios.


The second was when a patient from the burns high dependency ward was able to feel the dogs with the back of his hand as they stood by his bedside. Missing his own dog, this was a special moment for him in his long stay on the burns unit.

Consultants, nurses, therapists and play specialists from the burns service dropped in to meet the dogs as well as staff from other departments in the hospital and the chief executive, who dropped by to say ‘hello’.

With special thanks to Nicole Lee, matron of the Burns unit and Annette Maynard, play specialist on Mars ward, for helping to arrange the visit.

I had a very humbling day which is exactly as it should be when you are surrounded by so many inspirational people.

I’m glad we could bring some light in what can be a very challenging day for everyone, whether heroic staff or courageous patients.

Wishing you all the very best and that I hope over the summer period you all have a chance to take a step back, have some time away and reflect upon the amazing value you add to our communities day in, day out.

Paul Osborne, Fire Investigation Officer, in response to our thank you email.

If you would like to support the work of Children’s Burns Trust by offering a donation please follow this link.

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