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Family Weekend round-up – November 2018

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Family Weekend

Our interactive Family Weekends bring together NHS professionals, burn survivors and their families in order to share common questions and to understand the psychological impact for not only the burn survivor but for parents, siblings and other family members.

Our latest Family Weekend was held at the Fire Fighters Charity’s Jubilee House in Cumbria. Five families from Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and Wakefield – along with Burns Care Professionals from those Burns Services – enjoyed a full weekend’s programme. The weekend started with fun on the slides and visiting the animals at Walby Park Farm on Friday and ending with the family swim in Jubilee’s wonderful swimming pool on Sunday.  While the parents spent time with Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Psychologists at their scar and stress management workshops, the children enjoyed play, craft and musical activities as well as a tea party. Parents were also given the opportunity to relax during a hydrotherapy session on Saturday, and complementary therapies on Sunday morning.

Boy with burns holding tortoise

The joint activities gave everyone a chance to spend time together and some strong friendships were formed amongst both the children and the adults.  These activities included swimming sessions every day, walking with llama’s, petting animals and a family quiz. The families also enjoyed listening to the magical stories told by local celebrity story-teller, Taffy Thomas.

We had some wonderful comments from the parents including “It was a relaxed environment and not as intense as expected.” “It was good to spend time together, away from the battles of home life.” “We were able to have time together as a family ….. and share stories with other families.

Our thanks to the staff at Jubilee House, and to the Burn Care Professionals who all gave more than just their time to make this a memorable, fun and helpful time for the 11 children and 8 parents who attended.

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