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Event news – Children’s Burns Club’s Family Conference 2018

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The Children’s Burns Club are holding their first Family Conference on 10th March 2018 from 10.30am – 4.30pm.  It will be held at Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford, and families from across the country are invited to attend. Children's Burns Club

This is their first conference, and stems from the Family Weekends that the Children’s Burns Trust has held in Littlehampton association with the Fire Fighters Charity and burns services across London & the South East for the past 3 years.  Feedback about the scar management and psychology sessions from the families who attended these weekends has been so positive, so they have organised this one-day workshop to offer a shorter programme but to more families.

The conference will consist of 2 programmes – one for parents and one for children.  The parents programme will be supported by psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and play specialists – and will also give parents the opportunity not only to share experiences together.  The children’s programme will include fun workshops and a party.

More information and booking details can be found тут.

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