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Centre for Appearance Research launch new research study on teens and body image – can you help?

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Our friends at the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) have launched a new study and we wanted to share the details with followers, families, colleagues, friends and other professionals connected with the Children’s Burns Trust in the hope that it might be of interest.

About the study

As part of the TABI (TeenAppearance and Body Image) study, CAR is looking for people aged 11-17 years to participate in a study investigating how young people experience appearance and body image. 

The aim is to recruit over 2,000 young people to take part – including a substantial proportion of young people with visible differences – so the target is ambitious, but will deliver some really important insights.

Who is eligible to take part?

CAR are inviting all young people aged 11-17 years who are living in the United Kingdom to take part in the research by completing an online survey. You can complete the survey on your laptop, computer, mobile phone or tablet using this link: https://go.uwe.ac.uk/TABI  

As a thank you for taking part, participants will be entered into a prize draw to win one of four £50 Amazon vouchers.

Are you interested in taking part?

CAR have put together this short video, answering some likely questions in more detail, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkm4ERY8INQ

If you would like to find out more about this study or if you would like to complete the survey by paper instead, please contact Bruna Costa: Bruna.Oliveiracosta@uwe.ac.uk

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