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Can you help in important new research?

Немає набору зображень

Змінюючи обличчя


The charity Змінюючи обличчя, who help people who have a disfigurement find a way to live the life they want, is launching a major survey called ‘Disfigurement in the UK’ which will contribute to the UK’s first Face Equality Day on Friday 26th May 2017.

Anyone over the age of 18 who has a condition, mark or scar that affects their appearance is invited to complete the survey. It is comprehensive, and asks questions about most aspects of everyday life. The results will be published on Face Equality Day, and will help Changing Faces to increase awareness and understanding of Face Equality throughout the country.

All responses are completely confidential and the survey doesn’t ask for any personally identifying data. The closing date is 28th February 2017.

Disfigurement in the UK

‘Disfigurement in the UK’ looks at the everyday lives of people living with a disfigurement throughout the UK. This research project examines how people live their lives, their experiences of education, the workplace, public transport, and personal relationships.  The first Face Equality Day on the 26th May is a celebration of the 25th anniversary of Changing Faces and aims to increase awareness of face equality.

What is Face Equality?

Face Equality is about being treated fairly and equally irrespective of facial appearance, creating a society in which everyone is valued for the unique contribution that they can make.

Please click here if you would like to take part in this survey.

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Обкладинка NBAD


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