Телефон: 07802 635590
Електронна пошта: info@cbtrust.org.uk

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How can you get involved and fundraise for Children’s Burns Trust?

We receive no government funding and are only able to continue the work we do as a result of your fundraising efforts.  In addition to the income we generate from our corporate supporters and the support of various specialist trusts, we couldn’t carry on without the fundraising efforts of our incredible community of individual fundraisers and the many and varied events they organise.

Could you organise a fundraiser for us?  No amount is too small and you can be sure the money you raise will go directly to help where it is most needed.

What can you do to help?

Share on social media

Social media is a brilliant and fast way to keep up to date with all of Children’s Burns Trust’s current activities, news, events and resources. It’s also a great way to share our safety and prevention messages and help more people #BeBurnsAware.

Легкий збір коштів

Easyfundraising let's you raise money without lifting a finger. They partner with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you anything. The cost is covered by the brand. Learn more about how to set up easyfundraising to support Children's Burns Trust.

Run the Big Half

We are delighted to announce that we have 6 places for the Big Half in 2025. This popular run through the landmarks of central London will take place on Sunday 7 September 2025. Please contact us if you would like to take part and raise vital funds for us. If this is an event that you are interested in, just get in touch via our email on info@cbtrust.org.uk and we can allocate you to a place and discuss how we can support you.

Other Options

Set up your own event

We were also impressed by our ambassador Michelle Whalley's Burpee challenge during National Burn Awareness Day 2023 which saw her complete 110 burpees every day during October to mark the 110 children who are treated each day in specialist burns centres. A massive effort and a hugely creative way to raise much needed funds for us. You can also raise money through your company or a network you are part of. Contact us to talk about your ideas.

Do an Ultra Challenge

There is an Ultra Challenge for everyone from short walks to mind-boggling running events. Our incredible fundraiser Nicole Lee has taken part in The Peak District Ultra as well as the Isle of Wight Ultra. Take a look at all the events Ultra Challenge run across the country.

Donate monthly

Your donations to the Children’s Burns Trust will go directly to help where it is most needed. You can set up a payment for any amount and on whatever timeframe you decide. There are a variety of ways to make the payments too. Take a look at our donations page.

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Віртуальний My Prudential RideLondon продовжує допомагати рятувати британські благодійні організації

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