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Support for Parents – Burns Research Opportunity

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The Centre for Appearance Research are investigating the support needs of parents whose son or daughter has previously sustained a burn injury. They would like to know if you would be interested in taking part, regardless of your son or daughter’s age now or at the time of the injury.

You may or may not have felt that you needed support of any kind, either now or at any other time since their injury. However, we’re interested to find out whether parents’ support needs are met, not just at the time of injury but also during their child’s recovery and longer-term.

Please consider helpingThe Centre for Appearance Research to investigate this important topic by answering some questions about your experiences and the services you have received, or would have liked to receive. There are no right or wrong answers to any of these questions – they are interested in your honest opinions, whether they are positive or negative, and whether your son or daughter was a child or an adult themselves at the time of injury. If you are interested in knowing more about what taking part would involve, please read the study information sheet which can be found here and complete the consent form if you would like to take part. Alternatively you can contact the researcher, Jennifer Heath on

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