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Remembering Paul Fuller, our Chair of Trustees

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Last week we were profoundly shocked to hear the news that our Chair of Trustees, Paul Fuller CBE, QFSM, MStJ, DL, MSc, BSc, FIFireE had died after a short illness.  We would like to pay tribute to this wonderful man who worked so tirelessly to raise awareness of the danger of burns, to promote Children’s Burns Trust, and to fundraise for us. 

A Trustee for over 10 years, and our Chair of Trustees since 2015, nothing was ever too much trouble as far as the charity went.  Ever happy to represent us, be it at the launch of the Hot Water Burns Like Fire website, as team captain at a fundraising Golf Day, at the London Fire Brigade Gala Dinner commemorating 150 years of the London Fire Brigade in 2016 or at the top of Kilimanjaro in 2019. He was equally willing to partake in any media interviews, even interrupting a holiday to take part in a radio interview, and in 2019 spent National Burn Awareness Day participating in TV, radio and press interviews – as well as playing with the 2-year-old burn survivor, Arthur, who was the star of that particular day, in between interviews.  Paul also represented us at the House of Commons event in 2018 calling for a review of existing legislation surrounding the use and sale of fireworks and appeared on radio and television programmes highlighting the flammability of children’s fancy dress clothing.

Paul was Chief of Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service and a previous President of the Chief Fire Officers Association. He was also trustee of several charities and involved with many good causes.  We were well aware of his enormous workload, and extremely appreciative of the time and effort that he gave to us.  Always given so willingly and with wonderful good humour.  Nothing was ever too much, and no request for help, support, advice or back-up went unanswered.  We will miss you Paul – your leadership, dedication, commitment and kindness are testament to the wonderful man that you were.

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