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Lola-Madison's - povestea unei supraviețuitoare a arsurilor

Lola Parker în spital


Catherine, a West Sussex mum whose baby suffered terrible burns when she tipped a hot cup of tea over her body tells us her daughter, Lola-Madison’s, story…

Lola-Madison was ten months old when she needed skin grafts to her scalded shoulder and body after, in a split second, she crawled quickly from one sofa to another; pulling herself up and at the same time pouring a hot cup of tea all over her body.

An accident that any parent would fear as the affects can be so severe, Lola is fortunately now 4 years old and is recovering well after months of treatment, skin grafts, daily massaging and physiotherapy. Although she will bear her scars her whole life.

“The accident happened so quickly and you just couldn’t get there to stop it, she had two adults in front of her and it still happened. Lola had only just learnt to pull herself up to standing the previous day.” says Lola’s mum Catherine.

Catherine continues “being in hospital when Lola was treated for her injuries we saw many children with burns and scalds and these were mainly caused by hot drinks and hot baths. We want to raise awareness to other parents of these main causes of burns and scalds to children by supporting the Children’s Burns Trust.”

A burns care professional says “The after affects of burns can have severe psychological impact on children, both for children who may remember the accident and those that don’t. They may also receive problems at school from their peers as they ‘look different’, which may result in them feeling isolated.”

We are so grateful for Catherine in allowing us to tell Lola’s story and for her bringing this vital information to the attention of other parents and carers. For more information on our burn and scald Prevenire campaigns and to access our Learning Zone for Early Years and Parents, Carers and Professionals please click on these links.


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Charlie scalded

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Suntem implicați în numeroase campanii de prevenire pentru a reduce numărul copiilor care se ard și se scaldă în Marea Britanie. Vă rugăm să distribuiți campaniile noastre pentru a contribui la creșterea gradului de conștientizare.
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