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Fundraising Update – January 2020

Our latest Fundraising Update includes just a snapshot of some of the people and organisations who, through their own efforts, donations and resources, enable the Children’s Burns Trust to survive.  We receive no government funding and are only able to continue the work that we do as a result of our own fundraising efforts and by the help of our wonderful supporters.

Corporate Supporters

We are very fortunate to receive donations and support from various Corporate Supporters – the support we receive from them, both through fundraising and through sharing our messages via social media is invaluable.

The Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) have supported us for several years, and last year proved no different – we recently received a donation of nearly £2,600 in respect of funds raised at the ASFP Industry Awards evening held in December 2019.

A burns survivor and co-workers at Brewers Decorator Centres raised funds at a uniform sale, which were kindly matched by the company.

Moor Instruments supported us with a donation to National Burn Awareness Day in October 2019, they contacted us again in December with another donation and this message of support: “You’re doing a great and valuable job and we are happy to support how we can.”

We were delighted when Folkestone & Hythe District Council nominated us as their Charity of the Month in September 2019 and raised an amazing £450.

Probus Club – one of our past Trustees nominated us as his charity of choice during his year as Chairman of his local Probus Club – funds raised during the year and at the Charity Evening approach £2,000.

Imperial Winter Ball –We would like to take this opportunity to thank in advance our wonderful friends who organise and attend the Imperial Winter Ball each year.  Funds raised at this single event are vitally important to the continuation and growth of our annual programme.  This year’s event will be held on Saturday 7th March at the Caledonian Club in London.  For further information please email or phone 020 8400 5882.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the support we receive from people in so many different ways.  During the year we continue to receive regular monthly payments from individual supporters as well as in-memoriam donations.

This is just a snapshot of the people, organisations and activities that have taken place in the last few months – our sincere thanks to EVERYONE who supports us, not only financially but also by sharing, raising awareness and promoting the work that we do.

As with many charities, our income has suffered enormously in recent years.  We greatly appreciate all donations – whatever the size!

How do we use the money?

One example of how we spend the money our amazing supporters send us, includes being able to do things that enhance the experience of families who attend burns clubs and family weekends.

In addition to the children that we sponsored to attend their camps, earlier last year, we helped the Tabăra de arsuri pentru copii din Manchester purchase two waterproof and shockproof cameras. These pieces of brilliant kit allow organisers to capture moments of real fun and adventure, so that children and their families can have important memories of their achievements at camp.

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NBAD imagine prezentată


Suntem implicați în numeroase campanii de prevenire pentru a reduce numărul copiilor care se ard și se scaldă în Marea Britanie. Vă rugăm să distribuiți campaniile noastre pentru a contribui la creșterea gradului de conștientizare.
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Zona de învățare

Zona de învățare vă oferă acces ușor și gratuit la o mare varietate de resurse online, programe de e-learning, instrumente de dezvoltare profesională și informații pentru a preveni arsurile și escoriațiile la copii.
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