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Fundraising Update – January 2019

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This Fundraising update includes just a snapshot of some of the people and organisations who, through their own efforts, donations and resources, enable the Children’s Burns Trust to survive.  We receive no government funding and are only able to continue the work that we do as a result of our own fundraising efforts and with the help of our wonderful supporters.

Corporate Supporters

We have been fortunate to receive donations and support from many of our Corporate Supporters in the last part of 2018 and early 2019 – these include donations from Angloco,  Aico Ltd, and Willmott Dixon.  Staff at Warrington Fire again held a Christmas Raffle in our honour – funds raised were matched by the company.  Our incredible friends at Coopers Fire were active throughout the year – members of staff took part in the Rough Runner and Tough Mudder events, raising an amazing total of over £2,600! The Customer Services Manager at Coopers Fire told us “both events involved a large group of staff at Coopers Fire who were keen to raise as much money as possible for such a worthy charity.”

Focul lui Cooper

RWE Generation have given us a generous donation towards the cost of our Annual Jamboree held at Grafham Water in October each year.  We recently received a letter of thanks from one of the burns services that attended the Jamboree in 2018, in which they wrote: “When listening to the children there has been a great deal of talk about their scars and different coping strategies and some great friendships have been forged.”

Ride Out for Rosie – The Mason Family pull out all the stops to Raise Awareness and Funds for Children’s Burns Trust

In January a visit to the staff on the burns ward at Morriston Hospital in Swansea gave us the wonderful opportunity to stop off in Cwmbran to meet the fantastic Mason Family.   Rosie was treated at Morriston Hospital following a serious injury received from a firework in November 2017. Just under a year later they were busy raising funds for the Children’s Burns Trust and helping to raise awareness about the importance of firework safety and good first aid.  On 21st October they held a Ride Out and were overwhelmed by the support of their biker friends who raised just under £1,300.

Rosie-May’s mum Eleanor said: “Without the amazing support of Children’s Burns Trust I would have been totally lost, with the run-up to Christmas they sent us a grant to help cover the costs of fuel back and forth for my husband, food for us both and hotel stays. This small gesture allowed us to ensure our children could have a magical Christmas despite the accident.” 

Ride out for Rosie

More wonderful supporters

Year 2 pupils at the Flora Gardens Primary School learnt about the Great Fire of London last term, and as their end of the topic event, they held a cake sale to raise money to help children who have been burnt or scalded. Staff at Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service raised £235 for us at their Christmas Raffle.

Our thanks in advance to our wonderful friends organising and attending the Imperial Winter Ball on 2nd March 2019 at the Caledonia Club.  Tickets are selling fast but if you’d like more information please contact  020 8400 5882.

This is just a snapshot of the people, organisations and activities that have taken place in the last few months – our sincere thanks to EVERYONE who supports us, not only financially but also by sharing, raising awareness and promoting the work that we do.

As with many charities, our income has suffered enormously in recent years.  We greatly appreciate all donations – whatever the size!

Conținut conex

Charlie scalded

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NBAD imagine prezentată


Suntem implicați în numeroase campanii de prevenire pentru a reduce numărul copiilor care se ard și se scaldă în Marea Britanie. Vă rugăm să distribuiți campaniile noastre pentru a contribui la creșterea gradului de conștientizare.
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Zona de învățare

Zona de învățare vă oferă acces ușor și gratuit la o mare varietate de resurse online, programe de e-learning, instrumente de dezvoltare profesională și informații pentru a preveni arsurile și escoriațiile la copii.
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