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Fundraising Update Summer 2024.

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We are extremely grateful to the many supporters of the charity who enable us to make a difference to children, families and burn care professionals working in the NHS.

Chris Pascoe, who ran the marathon in 2023 for the charity, has now gained the support of his neighbours in the village of Elmstone,  who decided to share the proceeds from their village fete. We were delighted that the sun shone for the event and extremely gratefully for their donation, which reached £700 with gift aid.

Charlie Miles took part in The Great Bristol run in May, his first ever sponsored event and raised over £700 for the charity.  Charlie had a burn injury when he was 12 and is now an ambassador for the charity.

I ran the Bristol 10k to raise money for Children’s Burns Trust.

When I was eleven I suffered significant burns which meant I was in hospital for 6 weeks and continued having checkups for 4 weeks. I had several skin grafts and was supported by the fantastic team at pinderfields pediatric burns unit.

Thank you so much for the opportunity you have given me to support this charity.

Charlie Miles, steam inhalation burns survivor and fundraiser.

Elliot Leigh completed the London to Brighton race in May and raised a wonderful £1,585 for the charity.  Elliot had a burn injury as a child and wanted to offer support to children and their families.

Lell & Steve Hawney and the Westwood Lodge raised an amazing £3000 through running a series of creative fundraising activities for us as their chosen charity this year and the generosity of the audience on Ladies Night added a further £400 taking the total to £3000.

Rebecca Mills took part in a sprint triathlon on the 30th June 2024, and her goal was to raise at least £500 for the Children’s Burns Trust. In the end her generous supporters, including her employer AON, donated a wonderful £1,465. Rebecca was raising funds for Children’s Burns Trust because nearly two years ago, her daughter Milly ‘had an accident that caused severe burns. Thanks to the incredible care from the paediatric burns unit at Chelsea and Westminster, Milly made a miraculous full recovery. We are eternally grateful to the team there. After the accident, I vowed to make a meaningful difference for other young burn survivors.’

Edward Morgan, – in December 2023, his youngest son Finley was seriously burned from an accident in a family member’s kitchen. Edward, his partner Gemma, his son Fin and Fin’s older brother Oscar all ran Bubble Run 5k in support of Children’s Burns Trust and raised an incredible £1,995. “Children’s Burns Trust is very important to me, they helped put my son back together again, along with the amazing Doctors and Nurses we met through his journey.”

Nicole Lee, matron at Chelsea & Westminster burns service completed the Peak District Ultra challenge in early July, covering a distance of 100km over the two days and raising over £300 for the charity.

If you would like to support the work of Children’s Burns Trust by offering a donation please follow this link.

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