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Ministrul pompierilor ne îndeamnă pe toți să testăm detectoarele de fum din casele noastre acum și în fiecare lună

Press to Test

Fire Minister Brandon Lewis has urged people to test their smoke alarms after research showed that only 28% of all households who own one test them on a regular basis.

As the Fire Kills campaign launches today (Monday 7 November), the Minister has highlighted the importance of having at least one working smoke alarm in your home and encouraged everyone to test their smoke alarms immediately and then regularly every month. With analysis of fire data showing that you are at least seven times more likely to die in a fire in the home if you do not have any working smoke alarms, the devices are vital in ensuring that, should a fire start, individuals have valuable time to get out, stay out and call 999.

There were 229 fire-related deaths in the home last year. The Fire Kills campaign hopes that by encouraging everyone to test their smoke alarms straight away, and then every month, more deaths could be prevented.

The campaign is running for one month across outdoor, print, digital, social media and radio to raise awareness during the winter months when there is an increase in fire-related incidents and deaths. To help keep you and your loved ones safe, follow these simple steps:

  • Test your smoke alarm(s) now or when you get home
  • Make sure you fit smoke alarms on every level of your home and test them monthly, even if they’re wired into the mains.
  • Whatever happens, never remove the battery in your smoke alarm unless you are replacing it. Some require a new battery every year.
  • Plan and practise an escape route and make sure that everyone in your home knows it. In the event of a fire, get out, stay out and call 999.
  • Test others smoke alarms who are unable to test their own

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