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Campania "Focul ucide" arată cum "este nevoie de un singur accident" pentru a declanșa un incendiu

Campania "Focul ucide" 2020

The latest Fire Kills campaign launches on 3 February and highlights the everyday accidents that can cause fire in the home. Overloading electrical sockets, leaving a frying pan on the hob unattended and putting an electrical heater too close to laundry are among the hazards shown in the advertising. By highlighting safety risks, the campaign encourages people to make a few simple changes to prevent an accidental fire in the home.

The campaign, developed with the help of the National Fire Chiefs Council and the Fire and Rescue Service, urges the public to test their smoke alarms monthly. It emphasises the importance of having a smoke alarm on each floor of your home, to alert you if there is a fire and give you precious minutes to escape to safety. The campaign also highlights that local Fire and Rescue Services offer free ‘home fire safety visits’, where firefighters will assess the fire risks in people’s homes, offering bespoke advice, testing and in some instances fit smoke alarms to make people feel safer.

The Fire Kills website has information and advice to help people stay safe from fire in the home.

The Children’s Burns Trust is supporting the Fire Kills campaign, as reducing the risk of a fire will also prevent children being burnt and scalded. The CBT is also highlighting the importance of good first aid following a burn or scald, which can make an enormous difference in recovery times and the severity of scarring.

  • If a child’s clothing catches fire, they should “Stop, drop and roll”
  • If a child suffers a burn, cool it with running cold tap water for 20 minutes and remove all clothing and jewellery (unless it is melted or firmly stuck to the wound). Call for help for any burn larger than a 50p coin: 999, 111 or local GP for advice. Cover with cling film or a sterile, non-fluffy dressing or cloth. Make sure the patient is kept warm.

More information, including educational resources, is available here:

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Charlie scalded

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