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Our Family Weekend – November 2016

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Family Weekend Group Photo

“I have just read a copy of the report about the recent family weekend.  It looks like it was another great success. I just wanted to get in touch to say thank you, it’s making a real difference for our families. Please also pass on my thanks to the Children’s Burns Trust trustees.”  Dr Mandy Giles, Consultant Clinical Psychologist / Head of Service, Psychological Therapies Service, St Andrews Centre for Plastic Surgery and Burns

We are delighted that both Family Weekends held this autumn were enjoyed, and felt to be of benefit, by all involved – families and burn care professionals alike.  Our thanks, once again, to the staff of the Fire Fighters Charity at Marine Court in Littlehampton and Jubilee House in Penrith, for their wonderful hospitality and without whom the weekends could not take place.

16 Burn Care Professionals were on hand to provide a full programme at the latest weekend, held in Cumbria from 18th – 20th November.  With 10 children under 2 and three aged between 6 and 13, we were kept busy occupying everyone while parents attended their scar management and post-burn experiences workshops.  The workshops, run by Psychologists, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists from the Northern Burns Services, were only a small part of the weekend – allowing plenty of quality family time, both at an activity Farm Park, in the swimming pool and the beautiful grounds of Jubilee House near Penrith.

Although the weather was kind, we were all quite prepared to brave the rain that had been forecast in order to go walking with llamas on Saturday afternoon, prior to an animal petting session.  Later, after their tea party, the children enjoyed a visit from local storyteller Taffy Thomas while their parents shared a delicious 3 course meal together. Additional activities provided in the children’s programme included a musical workshop, crafts, gym, soft toy play, and a well deserved quiet time watching Peppa Pig!

Petting animals at the family weekend

Now in their 11th year, the weekends are carefully planned by the multi-disciplinary team of Burn Care Professionals, and fully evaluated.  The long term benefits to parents and children alike are proven, and we have received many positive messages of thanks.  It is always a pleasure and privilege to be able to participate and contribute to them.

“There were so many positives coming here – it was wonderful to see my child enjoying time with others with similar injuries.” Parent at the Family Weekend

“At first I was very wary of what the weekend would entail.  It was better than I thought it would be – relaxing and not at all stressful.” Parent at the Family Weekend

“This weekend has been the best weekend for me and my family” Burn Survivor

“I would like to come back.”  Burn Survivor

We are only able to support the family weekends from the amazing donations from our fundraisers as we receive absolutely not Government funding. If you would like to get involved with the charity please do get in touch.

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