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Children’s Burns Trust partner with CAPT to support Child Safety Week 2019

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Седмица на детската безопасност

The Children’s Burns Trust is partnering with the Child Accident Prevention Trust for Child Safety Week 2019.

Седмица на детската безопасност is an annual event run by Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented.

This year’s Child Safety Week runs from Monday 3rd June to Sunday 9th June 2019. The theme is Family life today: where’s the risk?highlighting the dangers facing families today in the context of modern lifestyles and offers simple solutions to keep children safe.

The Children’s Burns Trust, whose work is focused on children and their families, has announced that it is joining forces with CAPT on a dedicated day during Child Safety Week to focus on raising awareness of the risks that lead to children being burned – specifically those relating to hot drink spills.

On Tuesday 4th June the charity will be enhancing the Child Safety Week programme with a series of activities to highlight that the majority of burns and scalds that occur in children under the age of 5 are caused by hot liquids, such as tea and coffee spills.

Recent figures released from the Children’s Burns Trust show that in 2017 the number of children injured by spills was around 3,500. This equates to nearly 10 children a day across the UK. As work and family life gets busier and busier, everyday dangers that can lead to burn and scald injuries may be overlooked.

Paul Fuller, CBE QFSM DL Chairman of Trustees, Children’s Burns Trust and Chief Fire Officer, said:

"Child Safety Week is a vitally important event, as it brings together parents, families, individuals, and professionals with the common purpose of identifying how we can change behaviors to help keep children safe from harm.

My colleagues and I at the Children’s Burns Trust have been longstanding supporters of Child Safety Week and are delighted to be increasing our support further this year, with a dedicated day to raise awareness that the greatest risk of burns and scalds to UK children occur as a result of everyday items like hot drinks “.

Katrina Phillips, Chief Executive, Child Accident Prevention Trust, said:

“We are delighted to have a day dedicated to children’s burns this Child Safety Week and to have the increased support from Children’s Burns Trust.  It’s partnership working that makes Child Safety Week so effective in reaching families with essential accident prevention messages that help to shape safer behaviour.

We encourage anyone working with children and families to sign up at www.capt.org.uk/csw-sign-up to receive news and updates and to access free accident prevention resources to use with families and children.”

For further information about Children’s Burns Trust’s activity on Tuesday 4th June visit: https://www.cbtrust.org.uk/child-safety-week/

Child Safety Week will be covered extensively on social media via @CBTOfficial and @childsafetyweek , with the dedicated hashtags #childsafetyweek and #familylifetoday.

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