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Wicksteed Park Day Trip Saturday 11th May 2019

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Children's Burns Club

We would like to invite you to join us for our day out at WICKSTEED ADVENTURE PARK Barton Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN15 6NJ.

Although the park is open to all ages we would suggest that the rides are more suited to children under 12 years old. We will be meeting at 10:30 am. The Children’s Burns Club will cover the cost of entry into the park, but you will need to bring your own packed lunch or purchase food there. Some activities like the clip and climb and zip wire are not covered by the cost of entry.

Camping is also available on site at an additional cost. For full details please look at the Wicksteed Park website. There is so much to do including 30 exciting rides and activities, including one of Europe’s longest zip wires, 147 acres of beautiful rolling parkland perfect for a game of frisbee, or a family picnic.

One of the Club Psychologists will be offering a ‘drop-in’ support service throughout the day on anything relating to a burn injury and specifically around school transitions. Spaces are limited so please contact us as soon as possible for more information or to express your interest: 01245 515988 or childrensburnsclub@meht.nhs.uk.

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