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البريد الإلكتروني: info@cbtrust.org.uk

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Who we supported in Winter 2018/19

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During October to December 2018 in addition to providing emergency grants to families with children in burns wards all over England and Wales, we continued to support the various burns clubs and camps with their special days out and other events.

We also supported three major rehabilitation events for Burn Survivors.  In addition to the annual National Jamboree, held at Grafham Water in October, we ran two Family Weekends.  The first was for the London and South East Burn Care Network at the Fire Fighters Charity’s Marine Court in Littlehampton in September.  And the second was in November at their Jubilee House rehabilitation centre in Penrith for the Northern Burn Care Network.

Both weekends were hailed a success by the families and the staff – with the usual mixed programme of family activities, children’s programme and parents’ workshops.  Activities at the weekends ranged from a trip to the beach, walking with llama’s, and the ever popular trips to farm parks.   As ever, we are grateful to the Fire Fighters Charity for their support of these invaluable events.

Parent’s comments include:  “It was a relaxed environment and not as intense as expected.”

“It was good to spend time together, away from the battles of home life.”

“We were able to have time together as a family ….. and share stories with other families.”

To read more about the Family Weekend in November click here.

A burn injury is for life – but so is a smile

In 2019 we have launched an exciting new initiative showcasing the amazing individuals we are so proud to support, and who in turn support us. The below image shows the first in a series of images which highlight the story of some of the burn survivors who inspire us, meet India…



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