الهاتف: 07802 635590
البريد الإلكتروني: info@cbtrust.org.uk

بحاجة للمساعدة الآن?

جمع الآلاف من الأموال لصالح صندوق الأطفال المصابين بالحروق في عشاء لومينيس كيرز الصيفي

Dr Tapan Patel matches funds raised on the night to take grand total to over £27,500

A stellar night  of fundraising took  place last Saturday 2𞸍  July as over 80 guests joined industry-leading IPL innovators Lumenis to raise an amazing £27,500 at the Lumenis Cares Summer Dinner in aid of the Children’s Burns Trust.

The glittering event was held in the exquisite Tapestry Room at prestigious London venue The Ned where guests enjoyed a sumptuous three course meal whilst listening to live music performed by the talented
Molly Hocking.

The evening was introduced by Dr Dev Patel and attended by representatives from Children’s Burns Trust who spoke emotively about their experiences of working with beneficiaries of the charity.  One of the highlights of the evening was the auction hosted by Dr Tapan Patel who has, in an incredibly generous gesture, matched fundraising to bring the total amount raised to an amazing £27,500.

Children’s  Burns  Trust  Chairman   of  Trustees,  Princess  Marina   Lobanov Rostovsky comments:

Fundraising is the lifeblood of all small charities, and like many others we have had a tumultuous few years in terms of raising vital income following the pandemic.

The incredible energy, dedication and generosity from Lumenis led to the
success  of  this  event,  which  was  made  all  the  more  special  by  having
a number of Children’s Burns Trust Ambassadors in the room along with
guests from our marvellous NHS teams. We are so grateful to everyone who
came  along  and  supported  in  some  way,  the  incredible  amount  of
money raised on the night will allow us to continue providing rehabilitation
support for burned and scalded children, as well as supporting our prevention
and awareness campaigns for which there is little or no national funding”.

Laure Boisseux, Founder of the Lumenis Cares Foundation, said:

“We’re thrilled  that  our  first  fundraising  event  has  been  such  a  resounding success.  We are so grateful to everyone who bought tickets, supported us with   raffle   prizes,   our   wonderful   sponsors   Dermaroller   andXCELLARISPRO, and also to our hosts Dr Dev Patel and Dr Tapan Patel
whose very generous donation will make a huge difference to the work of Children’s Burns Trust and the valuable work they carry out with children and their families.  A wonderful evening had by all for this very worthy cause.“

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