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The Big Family Fun Day! Saturday 29th June 2019

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Children's Burns Club

The Children’s Burns Club would like to invite you to this year’s Summer Family Fun Day. This is for all club members and their families and will be at Stubbers Outdoor Centre, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2TY.

For toddlers and younger children, there will be a great variety of activities including creative arts, face painting, bouncy castles, and maybe a few animals. Older children will be able to enjoy activities including laser tag, jet skis, climbing, banana rides, rifles, power boat rides, canoeing, quad biking, archery, climbing and more! Some activities do have age/height restrictions.


Priority for all the activities will be given to the children but there may be an opportunity for adults to join in! This year we will be continuing with the queue and go system so you should be able to try more activities and there will be less mayhem trying to organise the groups!

10:15 — 10:30 Arrival and sign in
10:30 — 13:00 Morning session
13:00 — 14:00 Lunch (with entertainment TBC)
14:00 — 16:30 Afternoon session Don’t forget a change of clothes, towel, picnic and sun cream!

To book please call 01245 515988 or email: childrensburnsclub@meht.nhs.uk

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