الهاتف: 07802 635590
البريد الإلكتروني: info@cbtrust.org.uk

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Season’s greetings – December 2021

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As 2021 draws to a close, we wanted our final post of the year to convey our thanks for the wonderful support we have had and share our warmest wishes for a Happy Christmas.

Roundup of the charity’s activities and fundraising

This update includes just a snapshot of the work of the charity in the last few months and some of the people and organisations who, through their own efforts, donations and resources, have enabled Children’s Burns Trust to deliver them.  We receive no government funding and are only able to continue the work that we do as a result of our own fundraising efforts and by the help of our wonderful supporters. 

The pandemic has, once again this year, enormously affected our supporters’ ability to fundraise for us.  We have, however, been lucky to have the continued support of so many – and our particular thanks go to our very own Marathon Man Dean, ran the Virgin London Marathon for us in October.  

عداء ماراثون فيرجن لندن 2021

“Thank you for letting me run for you guys, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. There’s only £160 to go on my target which I’m sure will tick over later today or tomorrow. And I smashed my previous time – 3:52 I’m very happy but exhausted”

We are also extremely grateful to our corporate supporters – especially our friends at ASFP who have been supporting us since 2012 and who made a very generous donation following this year’s ASFP Awards which were held on the 26ال November.

We were also honoured to be nominated by our late Chair of Trustees, Paul Fuller CBE, QFSM, MStJ, DL, MSc, BSc, FIFireE as one of the beneficiaries in respect of donations made in his memory.  Our heartfelt thanks to his family, friends, colleagues at Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service and throughout the Fire Sector who have kindly donated in his name.  Paul was truly a wonderful man who touched many people, and worked so tirelessly to raise awareness of the danger of burns, to promote Children’s Burns Trust, and to fundraise for us.  We all greatly miss him.

It is testament to everyone who has supported us this year, our careful housekeeping and the measures we took last year to drastically reduce our expenses that we have nevertheless been able to provide a full programme in 2021; to continue the vital support to families immediately post-burn, to provide virtual as well as residential family events and to once again grow the reach of National Burn Awareness Day. 

Please be assured, your support changes lives and we are so grateful to anyone who is able to donate this Christmas: https://www.cbtrust.org.uk/donate/

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