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New research into burn care outcomes – patients, parents and professionals’ views needed

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Core Outcomes for Burn Care Research


A team from the Core Outcomes for Burn Care Research (COSB), based out of University Hospitals Bristol, are inviting patients and burn care professionals to participate in a new piece of important research into burn care.


The research project is funded by the NHS research funders (NIHR), and its aim is to determine the most important outcomes to measure in burn care research.

There is a 20-minute survey that burn professionals, patients and their families are being invited to complete (participants can be any age over 10 years or parents of children of any age, with any type of burn at any time after injury).

The following video is a helpful overview for anyone interested in taking part in the research:


If you are interested in taking part, please email cosbresearch@gmail.com and the team will send you more information and a link to the survey to complete. It will take no longer than 20 minutes. Alternatively, simply go straight to the survey which has more information at https://is.gd/cosbresearch

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