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New Burn Support Online Live Chat Launched welcoming parents, relatives and adult burn survivors to chat in an interactive environment about burn-related topics.

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Dan’s Fund for Burns have launched an online chat for parents, relatives and adult burn survivors to chat in an interactive environment about burn-related topics. Read more in their guest blog below.

This real-time online chat takes place every Wednesday from 7.30pm – 9.00pm on the Adult Burn Support UK website, https://adultburnsupportuk.org/,  funded by the charity Dan’s Fund for Burns.   It provides a great opportunity for those affected by burns to connect, share experiences and discuss any issues they may be having in relation to burns with others affected by burns.

Since launching in November, the Live Chat can have anywhere from 3 to 12 people come online each week.  We have had both adult burn survivors and parents of children with burn injuries participate in the chat.  This is a burn support option for any adult affected by burns and each week brings new conversation and topics.  We have had people talk about their surgeries, share opinions about what procedures they feel have helped them, discuss how they deal with pain and itching, share their struggles and generally get support from each other especially if they’re having a bad day.

If you’ve never used an online chat forum, the live chat can take a bit of getting used to but it’s easy to master!  Any adult affected by burns can join in and we understand and have welcomed participants who join in to check things out and initially prefer to sit back and observe until they feel ready to chime in and add to the conversation.

Although it’s still early days, the feedback so far has been positive with comments like “wish this sort of thing was around when I was first burned”, “such a good resource”, “nice to chat to somebody who understands”.

The Adult Burn Support Online Live Chat uses a private group platform where users need to register, create a username and then login to join the chat on a Wednesday evening between 7.30pm and 9.00pm.  You can use any device – computer, mobile phone or tablet – to go online and join in.   We encourage parents, relatives and adult burn survivors to give it a try and join the conversation in this safe, supportive platform.  Follow the link to find out how to register and join in,  https://adultburnsupportuk.org/live-chat/ .

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