الهاتف: 07802 635590
البريد الإلكتروني: info@cbtrust.org.uk

بحاجة للمساعدة الآن?

قصة جيو - فقدان الجلد غير المحترق

جيوسبين كياكيا
جيوسبين كياكيا

Geo is an ambassador for Children’s Burns Trust.

At the age of 15 Geo was diagnosed with meningococcal septicemia which caused significant skin loss to both legs.

Following lifesaving treatment in a paediatric intensive care unit Geo was transferred to a specialist burns service with extensive skin loss to the lower half of his body caused by the disease, which had also led to the loss of some of his finger and toe tips.

The blood supply to the peripheries of the body is affected by meningococcal septicemia and this adds to the challenge of wound management and skin graft surgery being successful. 

Geo underwent numerous skin graft operations which did help to reduce the size of the wounds, however the need for regular dressing changes continued for months and stays vivid in his mind.

The wounds were painful and the discomfort at each dressing change was hard to manage.  Geo was prescribed strong painkillers and found gas and air to be helpful during the dressing changes, which often took up to 2 hours to complete.

Alongside the wound care Geo needed regular physio and occupational therapy to help him regain his strength to walk again and be independent.

Life in hospital for a teenager is challenging, particularly being so far away from family and friends.  Geo lived 30 miles away from the burns unit and it would take his family up to 1 and half hours each way to travel to the hospital with the added cost of the petrol being a big pressure.

Geo was in hospital for a total of 12 months and knows that he is lucky to have survived and recover as well as he did. 

He describes the challenge of the ongoing physical and mental recovery following this life-threatening illness and in particular the challenge of dealing with what he saw as ‘the new me’ once he was discharged from hospital.

He lost connection with many of his old friends which had centered around playing football and found that over the next few years he developed a new version of him self, seeing things differently and finding new interests.  He attended burn camp which he found helped his confidence and has gone on to become a successful businessman with a family of his own.

“It took a while to recover and I found support by attending burn camp and slowly rebuilding my confidence; to play football with my friends, go to university, travel the globe and now in my 30’s with a daughter of my own to enjoy spending time with family and friends. I hope that my experience can help to support the work of Children’s Burns Trust”.


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