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Fun at the Family Weekend in Penrith with the Northern Burn Care Services

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At the beginning of April, the Children’s Burns Trust welcomed six families to Jubilee House in Penrith for another fun packed family weekend.

Despite some last minute challenges relating to Covid and the forecast of snow, ten staff from across the five Northern Burn Care services came together to support another wonderful programme to ensure that that the children and their parents had fun, whilst also being supported with their ongoing recovery following the impact of a burn injury in their lives.

Snow capped mountains formed a lovely backdrop to the trip to Walby Farm Park on Friday.  The wonderful play facilities, including giant slides, a giant indoor fort and an outdoor digging pit were enjoyed by the children and staff, and ferret racing and baby lambs were firm favourites in the animal zone.

At Jubilee House the timetable ensured that the children and families were able to head to the swimming pool every day, always voted as the favourite activity by the children.   Other activities included craft and indoor play sessions, a visit from the Llamas and reptiles, a magical session from the storyteller, Taffy Thomas and an active session with the musicians from Sunbeams Music Trust.

The parent timetable included sessions on scar management and psychological support, and the opportunity for a relaxing massage on the Sunday before heading home.  The staff of Jubilee House prepared a wonderful dinner on the Saturday night for the parents which gave them a chance to chat and relax.

One parent commented ‘this is the best holiday we have ever had’.

A huge thank you to the Fire Fighters Charity for use of the wonderful facilities at Jubilee House and in particular to Andy and the staff on duty over the weekend for looking after us all so well.  We look forward to returning for our next family weekend in November.

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