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Family Weekend Roundup: April 2018

Storyteller Taffy Thomas

Our latest Family Weekend was held at the Fire Fighters Charity’s Jubilee House in Cumbria.  6 families from Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and Wakefield – along with Burns Care Professionals from those Burns Services – enjoyed a full weekend’s programme, starting with lamb feeding and goat racing at Walby Park Farm on Friday and ending with the family swim in Jubilee’s wonderful swimming pool on Sunday.

In addition to the scar and stress management workshops that parents participated in on Saturday, in addition to the ever-popular swimming sessions every day, activities included walking with llama’s, a music workshop, crafts, tea-party and family quiz.

The families also enjoyed listening to the magical stories told by local celebrity story-teller, Taffy Thomas. Parents were also given the opportunity to relax during a hydrotherapy session on Saturday, and complementary therapies on Sunday morning.

Our thanks to the staff at Jubilee House, and to the nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, play specialists and psychologists who all gave more than just their time to make this a memorable, fun and helpful time for the 14 children and 12 parents who attended.

Parent’s comments:

“It’s useful to speak to other families in similar situations.  O… loved the children’s sessions and we found the sessions for parents extremely useful.”

“It exceeded my expectations – I was quite apprehensive and didn’t really know what to expect, but it has been great and I am very glad we came.”

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