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Children’s Burns Trust launch STOPTEABER – a new monthly fundraising campaign for burn prevention

The Children’s Burns Trust has launched STOPTEABER – a new, nationwide fundraising campaign to help to reduce the number of children who experience burns and scalds from hot drinks. 30 children go to hospital every day with a hot drink burn, this campaign will support Children’s Burns Trust in raising awareness and reducing this number.

The charity, which is the only one in the UK of its kind, receives no government funding and is only able to continue its work as a result of fundraising efforts.

Coinciding with اليوم الوطني للتوعية بالحروق, which this year is taking place on the 12ال October 2022, and is the charity’s annual day to raise awareness and help reduce the shocking number of people burned each and every day – the vast majority of which are preventable and promote the right first aid if a burn or scald does occur.

A burn injury is for life, the scars are physical as well as psychological, and can present life-long challenges for the burn survivor and their families. 

Marina Lobanov Rostovsky, Chairman of Trustees ofthe Children’s Burns Trust, says:

“We have long wanted to combine the incredible work that takes place each October around National Burn Awareness Day with a simple, but fun, way that people can help support our work through fundraising. STOPTEABER is an easy way for individuals, parents, organisations and our colleagues across the NHS and burn community to come together to give up tea and coffee for the month in order to raise awareness and support the work of Children’s Burns Trust’.

How can people take part?

STOPTEABER has been designed to be flexible. We are asking people to help reduce the number of burns to children and support the Children’s Burn Trust by:

  • Asking your friends and family to sponsor you to give up tea or coffee in October.


  • donate the money you would spend on your daily coffee to the Children’s Burn Trust in October.

The STOPTEABER campaign page can be accessed here: https://justgiving.com/campaign/stopteaber

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