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البريد الإلكتروني: info@cbtrust.org.uk

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Mini First Aid – supporting Children’s Burns Trust

In January 2023 Children’s Burns Trust welcomed Mini First Aid as supporters of the charity, recognising the opportunity to support our mutual objectives around burn prevention and first aid.  In March we were invited to attend the Mini First Aid annual conference, an educational and celebration event for their trainers and franchisees held in Derbyshire.

Sue Boasman, Advanced Nurse Practitioner from the burns service in Chelmsford and Michelle Whalley, mum of Charlie and ambassador for Children’s Burns Trust joined together and gave an informative, impactful and emotional session about burn injury and the impact on a family when an accident happens.

During the exhibition period Michelle and Sue joined Jo and Alison at the Children’s Burns Trust stand to chat to attendees, answer questions and share individual experiences, and realise just how many of us have been touched personally in some way by a burn injury experience.

We were delighted to be asked to present the ‘Above and Beyond’ award at the evening event and this was won by Kellie Green, a franchisee who covers Shropshire, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire. Kellie had previously worked as a nurse in A&E and had embarked on a new career opportunity with Mini First Aid to see the benefits of teaching prevention and first aid to help try and prevent attendance at hospital.

We were blown away by the hospitality of Kate Balls and her senior team and it was clear that all involved in Mini First Aid were motivated and inspired by their leadership team.

We look forward to future opportunities to work together to raise awareness of burn prevention and promote essential first aid advice.

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