الهاتف: 07802 635590
البريد الإلكتروني: info@cbtrust.org.uk

بحاجة للمساعدة الآن?

10 business benefits of partnering with a charity

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In your office kitchen, canteen or breakaway area, you’re bound to see regular sponsorship forms or photos of fundraising initiatives that your staff have got involved with in their free time. But have you ever thought about making charitable support a key part of your business strategy?

Supporting a charity or cause that your staff believe in is a great way of engaging internal stakeholders in your values, as well as communicating to your customers that you are a socially-responsible organisation.

Research shows that when faced with a choice between two companies that offered products and services for the same price, 82% of UK consumers said their decision would be affected by whether a company engaged with charities and its local community*.

Here are ten reasons to consider workplace fundraising:

  1. Increased visibility and revenue
  2. Brand recognition
  3. Business image and reputation
  4. Networking and marketing opportunities
  5. Exposure to different sectors
  6. Boost office morale and encourage teambuilding
  7. Defines corporate identity
  8. Improved public relations
  9. Enhanced employee relations and employee retention
  10. Donating goods or financial support to a charity is tax deductible


Where to start?

There are so many ways to get involved with charitable activities at work, and the companies that have the biggest success are often those who take the lead from their employees. In 2015, £185 million was raised in the UK through bake sales alone, so even the smallest event can make a big difference.

Why not start small and then build up to a more formal partnership once you’ve seen the benefits?

Want to support The Children’s Burns Trust?

We receive no government funding and are only able to continue the work we do through our own fundraising.  As a small charity, the backing we receive from corporate supporters and donors makes an enormous difference to our work.

Whether your company is big or small or has supported a charity before or not, we are here to help you kick start your fundraising. We can provide everything you need to make your workplace fundraising a success, from flags and posters to advice on getting your event in the local press and tips on how to smash your target.

Our Corporate Supporters pack is the place to start. It contains lots of ideas and helpful tips to make your fundraising activity effective, but most of all fun! If you would like us to send you a printed version, please get in touch.

Download the pack هنا.

*Research: Forresters (2013) research of 1100 people from the UK


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