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The dangers of playing with aerosol cans – Kyle’s story

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When they are exposed to fire, aerosol cans are extremely flammable, either exploding violently or produce burning flames. The injuries caused by such burns can be severe and long-lasting, and it is vital that children and teenagers understand the dangers. In this powerful video published by Nottingham Fire and Rescue Service, 14-year old Kyle bravely tells his story of how messing around with a deodorant can led to years of treatment and how the incident has impacted his life.

Andrea Cronshaw, Clinical Nurse Specialist at Nottingham University Hospital who treated Kyle, said:

"A burn injury can be life changing for a young patient and their family.

When a child or young person comes into hospital with a burn injury they may have to attend for a long time and often require frequent dressing changes in order to help the skin heal, this can be quite daunting.

Having a burn injury can affect a child or young person in their daily activities and patients often experience ongoing problems due to the effects of scarring.

A scar will change the appearance of a person’s skin forever and dependant on the size and severity can affect the way the body and limbs work. Burn injuries can affect some children and young people in different ways, they may start to feel isolated or depressed due to changes in their appearance from a burn injury and this powerful video explains the effects following a burn injury.”

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صورة مميزة من بنك أبوظبي الوطني


نشارك في العديد من حملات الوقاية من أجل تقليل عدد الأطفال الذين يتعرضون للحرق والحروق في المملكة المتحدة. يرجى مشاركة حملاتنا للمساعدة في زيادة الوعي.
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عداء ماراثون فيرجن لندن 2021

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لا نتلقى أي تمويل حكومي، ولا يمكننا مواصلة العمل الذي نقوم به إلا نتيجة لجهودنا في جمع التبرعات.
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الإسعافات الأولية

يمكن للإسعافات الأولية الجيدة بعد الحروق أو الحروق أن تحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في أوقات التعافي وشدة الندبات. هناك أمران مهمان يجب تذكرهما وهما "توقف، انزل، تدحرج" و"اهدأ، اتصل وغطِّ".
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